Finding Funding

This year has been challenging, but it has also shown us how invested our communities are in helping those in need and just how valuable your services are to the local community.  We are hopeful that these resources will help you connect to your community by finding funding to help you reach your goals.

FDO Professional– This database is accessible anytime you log into our Wi-Fi.  Our Wi-Fi is available in our parking lot and on the grounds (as the roof is currently undergoing major renovations we ask that you use the lower grounds).

FDO Essential– This database is accessible from home, currently you will need a Bucks County Library card, which is free to anyone with valid identification, to access it.  However, they will be changing FDO Essentials to a one 24-continuous hour period per month option.  This option allows you to access FDO from anywhere, and the new account you will create will allow you to use FDO’s tracking grant features that aren’t available in FDO Professional.

FDO Individual– This database if for individuals to help find funding for art projects, college scholarships, and much more.  This database is accessible anytime you log into our Wi-Fi.

Grundy Library Databases– Grundy Library has a number of databases that you can use to help your nonprofit.  Most require a Bucks County or Grundy Library card to use from off-campus.

Books– The Grundy Library has an NRC book collection which houses resources related to grant writing, creating and keeping a board, and so much more! These are all able to be checked out so please be sure to borrow these resources. 

E-book Collection- Candid has an e-book collection available on their Learning by Candid website. Once you create an account you have access to hundreds of popular titles dealing with fundraising, boards, racial inequity, and coronavirus.   

Our databases can be found on our Nonprofit Resource Page as well as on our Articles and Databases Page.

Additionally, the Grundy Library Nonprofit Resource Center is still offering classes and Book-a-Librarian sessions, all virtually until we are able to safely meet in person again.  These events can be found on our website and social media platforms. Book-a-Librarian sessions can be requested on our website and allow the requestor time with a Grundy Librarian to review our databases using your organization and needs as the example.